AI features

How we use AI to speed up the ESG research process. Of course, this is a moving target, so expect to see huge development going forward here.

Current use

Our first integration of AI is targeting to reduce the time of information gathering.

How we currently integrate AI features

If the clients has AI features activated there are 2 important steps to make it work well:

  • Research template set up phase: Well executed prompt design, eventually prompt engineering
  • For each research process: Upload of relevant documents and web adresses

This permits the client’s User to get fed the relevant information where it belongs in the ESG research and ESG rating process. The rating of the AI outcomes is powerful in the prompt design/engineering processes over time as it helps to see what works well and what does not.

Potential future use

Outside the information gathering explained here above, there may well be other manual processes in the ESG research and ESG rating process that can be assisted and even replaced by smart use of AI. We are already working with a project at this level. This requires real knowledge about ESG research and pretending will fail.